I am not a registered Professional Engineer. According Ohio code, I cannot represent myself as an engineer or provide certain engineering calculations or designs. During Mechanical Integrity activities, I will provide some calculations as proscribed by API code for equipment inspections. Typical examples will be corrosion rate calculations used to determine inspection frequency, minimum thickness, or fastener torque related calculations. If OEM calculations are available, I might duplicate their original calculations using different variables or values. When I do provide such calculations to you, it is the responsibility of you (as the owner operator) to confirm/accept the calculations or have a registered PE confirm them. Alternatively, I am associated with a PE that can provide that service if you require. Please note that this is no different than if I worked directly for you. If I worked for you, I could provide such calculations including pump/pipe friction loss calculations, etc. Ohio code prevents me from representing such as engineering calculations while working for MI Reliability without a PE supervising those calculations.